How to calculate percentage in SQL on Snowflake

  • How-Tos FAQs
  • December 17, 2018
Supercharge Your Snowflake SQL
with Datameer's
Data Transformation

There are different ways to calculate percentage in SQL like:

  • Using Ratio_to_report() function or the Percent_Rank function
  • Using OVER() clause
  • Using subquery
  • Using CTE

Calculating percentage in SQL

    Let us consider the ‘inventory’ table as below. We can calculate the percentage of each item in the inventory.

    CREATE TABLE inventory(
           item VARCHAR(50),
           avail_stock INT
    INSERT INTO inventory
    SELECT 'laptop', 20 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'keyboard', 40 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'mouse', 70 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'speaker', 20 UNION ALL
    SELECT 'Monitor', 50;

    Snowflake SQL

    In Snowflake, you can use the Ratio_to_report() function or the Percent_Rank function, depending on your use case.

        ratio_to_report(stock) over () as overall_stock_pct
    from inventory

    Keep Tabs on your “Calculated(%)” SQL Using Datameer’s Graphical Interface

    Datameer is a collaborative, multi-persona data transformation platform that integrates with Snowflake.

    With Datameer on Snowflake, you can use the SQL functions you’re familiar with to calculate your percentage and visually track  all your calculated percentage queries with our low-code GUI interface.

    To reap the benefits of these easy drag-and-drop modeling and self-documenting features, kickstart your Snowflake instance and connect your Datameer account.


    -- Using OVER Clause
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100.0/ SUM(avail_stock) OVER() 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory
    -- Using CROSS APPLY
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100.0/ sub.sum_avail_stock 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUM(avail_stock) sum_avail_stock FROM inventory) sub
    -- Using subquery in SELECT statement
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100.0/ (SELECT SUM(avail_stock) FROM inventory) 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory
    -- Using CTE
    ;WITH total AS
          SELECT SUM(avail_stock) AS total
        FROM inventory
    SELECT item Item,
        avail_stock * 100 / AS 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory
    CROSS JOIN total;
    -- Output of all above queries
    Item        Percentage(%)
    laptop      10.000000000000
    keyboard    20.000000000000
    mouse       35.000000000000
    speaker     10.000000000000
    Monitor     25.000000000000


    -- Using OVER Clause
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100.0/ SUM(avail_stock) OVER() 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory;
    -- Using Subquery in SELECT statement
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100.0/ (SELECT SUM(avail_stock) FROM inventory) 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory;
    -- Using CROSS JOIN
    SELECT item Item, avail_stock * 100/ sub.sum_avail_stock 'Percentage(%)'
    FROM inventory
    CROSS JOIN (SELECT SUM(avail_stock) sum_avail_stock FROM inventory) sub;
    -- Output of all above queries
    Item       Percentage(%)
    laptop     10.000000000000
    keyboard   20.000000000000
    mouse      35.000000000000
    speaker    10.000000000000
    Monitor    25.000000000000

    Up Next:

    Read In SQL, how to limit the number of rows after ordering it in Oracle DB?