How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

  • Datameer, Inc.
  • August 17, 2022

Hi marketer 👋, are you new to Snowflake and want to learn how to get Google Analytics into Snowflake and how to use your GA4 web data within Snowflake?

You’re in luck!

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to: 

  • Replicate your Google Analytics data into the Stitch Integration tool.
  • Automatically extract and load your GA4 data from your Stitch account to Snowflake. 
  • Transform and model your raw GA4 datasets within Snowflake in an easy-peasy manner!
  • And finally, visualize your data in Power BI.

Ps: All tools or services used in this tutorial are free, so please feel free to follow along !😉


The steps covered in this tutorial will be clear and beginner-friendly. However, if you’d like to follow along, here are some mandatory requisites you should note. 


  •  A Basic understanding of GA4 or Universal Analytics 
  • A functional Google Analytics account linked to an  active  website (website should have a considerable amount of data)
  • Access to Power BI


Before diving in, let’s look at a diagrammatic representation of the process we’ll be covering today.

So let’s say, for example, you have some data on website activity and user behavior in your  google analytics  account.

You would then like to consume this data within your Snowflake warehouse.

How can you achieve this?

Let’s answer that with our step-by-step guide.

Moving Your GA4 Data into Snowflake: THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE

Step 1️⃣ – Replicate your Google Analytics data into Stitch.

Stitch is an easy-to-use ETL pipeline tool. It will serve as our ETL tool,  Extract (from GA4), and  Load  (Into Snowflake).

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

To begin, we first have to:

1. Create A Stitch account : If you don’t have a Stitch data account, you can sign up for a free one  here .

2. Sign In to your Stitch  account and add Google Analytics as a Stitch data source.

The steps to do this are as follows:

  • On the Stitch Dashboard page, click the Add Integration button.
  • Click the Google Analytics icon.
  • Enter a name for the integration. This is the name that will display on the Stitch Dashboard for the integration; it’ll also be used to create the schema in your destination.
  • The screen below will appear.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

3. Configure Your google analytics Integration.

  •  Configure your custom reports (Optional): You can configure the custom report(s) you want to replicate. The report(s) you enter on this page is used to create the tables in your destination.

Ps: If you don’t want to configure a customer report, you can leverage pre-made standard GA reports. (as shown in the image above).

  •  Define the historical replication start date and set replication frequency.

The Sync Historical Data setting defines the starting date for your Google Analytics integration, i.e., data equal to or newer than the date specified will be replicated to your data warehouse.

  • Set replication frequency: The replication frequency refers to how often Stitch runs a replication job and the time that job begins.

4. Check your settings, and click “Authorize.”

  How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

 5. Authorize Stitch and select a Google Analytics profile.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Ps :   GA profiles need to have Read & Analyze permissions to be detected by Stitch 

7. Set metrics and dimensions to replicate

If your configuration setup is successful, you will be able to see the tables in your GA account in Stitch. (See image )

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

  •  To complete the setup, you’ll need to select metrics and dimensions for each report you want to replicate to your destination.

In our case, we picked the behavior overview table. Now we have to select the metrics and dimensions we want to be included in our dataset. (see image below)

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

8.  Save your selections : When finished, click the “Finalize Your Selections” button at the bottom of the screen to save your selections.

With that, you just achieved a successful integration of your GA account to stitch.

First step  –  Extraction Complete ! ✅ 

Step 2️⃣:   Automatically load your GA4 data  from   Stitch   to Snowflake


After successfully establishing a connection between GA4 and Stitch, Stitch will prompt you to add a destination. (See image)

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

To  load  your now “replicated” GA datasets into Snowflake, you need to set up a connection between Stitch data (ETL Pipeline) and Snowflake(Data Warehouse) – hence the need for setting a Destination.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

The steps to do this are as follows:

  1. Click Connect to a destination and select Snowflake from the list.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

The screen below should appear.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

To fill in the parameters above, we need the correct input values.

Input values include:   Snowflake  Host(endpoint) ,   Snowflake  Username Database role,etc. These  all refer to Snowflake parameters.

Therefore, before proceeding, we have to set things up on the Snowflake side.


To perform this setup, we need to:

1. Create A Snowflake account : If you don’t have a Snowflake data account, you can sign up for free  here .

Ensure you have ACCOUNTADMIN role privileges in Snowflake, OR privileges equivalent to the SECURITYADMIN and SYSADMIN roles.

2. Log In  to your Snowflake client and use the GUI or worksheet interface.

3. Create A Warehouse. ( see image below)

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

4. Create a database (see image below)   and database user (optional) for Stitch in your Snowflake account. 

Ps:  In a production setting, you might not have access as the SYS admin, so in cases like this, you can ask the security admin to  create a custom role  for you.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

5. Configure Network Access Settings : In Snowflake, access is configured and managed through Network Security Policies. 

Stitch’s IP addresses must be added to a network policy’s Allowed IP List for the connection to be successful.

Ps: If this sounds like IT jargon, not to worry. Just follow along closely 😉 you’ll get it right!

The first thing we want to do is:

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

  • Navigate to the account tab in Snowflake and search for policiesHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  • Create and name our Network Policy. 
  • Using the format below fill in the allowed IP addresses: (‘<your-current-ip-address>’,'<comma-delimited-stitch-ip-addresses>’);

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Ps: The allowed IPs can be found on your Stitch Destination Page. Refer to the third image in this section.

Once this is done, We can leave our snowflake environment for now.

Let’s head back.


We’re done setting up things on Snowflake and now have the input values we need.

 It’s time to fill our red boxes with the corresponding input values.

  • Input your Snowflake Credentials

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

NB: Note:  When filling out the  host , entering the http:// or https:// portion of the URL will prevent a successful connectio n, i.e., your host URL should look like , for example.

  • The next step is to test our connection by saving and clicking Continue.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

  • And Voila!

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Quick check: Notice that our Stitch_database in  Snowflake has received our Google Analytics Data Set .

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Once again, we prevail. 😅

Second step  –  Load   Complete ! ✅ 

Step 3️⃣: Transform and model your raw GA4 datasets within Snowflake – in an easy-peasy manner!

You deserve a chill espresso if you’ve tagged along up until this point. 

So far, we have configured an integration, and our Google analytics data is now in Snowflake. 

Trivia time!

Q: We have our data in Snowflake now. What if we wanted to perform modeling and cleaning on our GA data set? 

A: We would have to do this in Snowflake using long lines of SQL.

That sounds like a bit of a bummer, right?

That’s because, in all honesty, marketing analysts like ourselves aren’t always experts in SQL 😑.

But what if we don’t have to be?

 What if we could achieve the same results with fewer technical procedures?

It’s Datameer!

With tools like Datameer, we can use drag and drop features to model, transform and wrangle our data set in minutes, as we will soon see.

Let’s begin the transformation and modeling of the raw GA4 data that sits in our snowflake environment.

⭐ Setting things Up

The first step would be to:

  1. Sign Up  for a Datameer account.
  2. Check your mail and access the instance sent to our inbox.
  3. Navigate to settings ⇒Click Snowflake SettingsHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  4. Connect to your Snowflake account How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  5. On success, you will be prompted to specify a warehouse.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

A quick tip:   If your input values are correct, your account will sync with Snowflake in a few seconds.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Super easy, right? 🙃

 Before we proceed, let’s navigate to the home page and confirm we can see our Snowflake schemas and datasets.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

We’re done with the setup now… time to do some modeling on our GA-Snowflake dataset.

⭐ Easily transforming and modeling our GA4 datasets

Let’s now try out some simple modeling steps using Datameer.

In our example, we have decided to do a simple transformation, filtering out any dates after the year 2021.

 The first step is to:

1. Create a ProjectHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Select the schema housing your GA4 data.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

2. Perform Transformations efficiently:  Inline with our example, we have decided to do a simple transformation. i.e filtering our behavior dataset by our  ga: date  dimension. 

To do this:

Click on the filter icon on the gui and input the appropriate parameters.

You will then get a confirmation of the transformation.

Your data has been filtered.

3. Click the icon at the top-right to deploy your changes to Snowflake.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

4. Select Your preferred Destination to publish your “transformed data” back into your Snowflake data warehouse.

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

5. Check to ensure your data has been published back into your Snowflake warehouse.

  • The green icon on your node dashboard indicates a deployed view.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  • Notice Our published view is now in our Snowflake database.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

There are countless ways we can use Datameer to model our raw datasets. If you want to learn more about Datameer, check out our detailed  demos  and  videos .

In any case, at this juncture, we have a new status update…

Third step  –  Transformations   Complete ! ✅ 

You know what that means…Another espresso coming right up 😁!

Step 4️⃣:   Visualize your  GA4 – Snowflake  Data In  Power BI .

With so many data visualizations, BI features, and tools, power BI has become a go-to for many analysts.

Well, we’re one of those analysts.


We will complete our analysis cycle using power BI with visualizations and ad-hoc analysis.

Are you set?

Let’s dive into visualizing our data in Power BI!

How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

A quick tip:  The prerequisite to understanding this section is a basic knowledge of the Power BI Platform.

⭐ Connecting to Snowflake from Power BI.

  1. Access your Power BI interface.
  2. Select “get data” and choose Snowflake.
  3. Click ConnectHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  4. Specify your hostname and warehouse. (Exclude the https)How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  5. Specify username and PasswordHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  6. If everything checks out, you should be able to see your Snowflake data in Power BI.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  7. Specify your transformed view (the view we just transformed using Datameer) and click Load or transform.
  8.  Select your preferred connection type How to Get Google Analytics Into SnowflakeHow to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake
  9. Once data is fully loaded, we can begin building visualizations on our behavior data.How to Get Google Analytics Into Snowflake

Drum roll, please..

Final Status update Alert 😉

Extract, Load, transform and   Visualize  –  Complete ! ✅ 


And that’s it.. we’re all done!

This tutorial demonstrated how a marketing analyst like you and I could take data from GA4 and move it seamlessly into Snowflake.

We also showed how to perform self-service BI with tools like Datameer and Power BI.

We hope you found this helpful, and if you did, please feel free to keep using Datameer’s free trial to get your analytics into Snowflake!

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