How to connect DBT to multiple databases in the same project

  • How-Tos FAQs
  • July 15, 2021
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Let’s look at how you can connect DBT to multiple databases in the same project. While this isn’t a native function to DBT, there are some workarounds to help make this connection possible.

DBT can establish connections to several databases within a single project using . There’s an available  GitHub example project  that provides a complete working configuration that you can reproduce and customize to your needs.

How to connect DBT to multiple databases in the same project

What does Trino do?

Trino, previously PrestoSQL, is a powerful and fast distributed SQL query engine for big data analytics that combines and analyzes data from various sources.

Trino connects to multiple data sources (connectors) via a single connection and processes SQL queries at scale and speed. This tutorial will show you how to:

  • Initiate a Trino server.
  • Link a Trino instance to a Google BigQuery data set and a localhost instance of PostgreSQL.
  • Join two databases using a DBT project: one in BigQuery and the other in an on-premises PostgreSQL instance.

To begin, you have to make a few installations first.

  1. Install  Trino first.
  2. Install  DBT
  3. Install the updated Trino DBT plugin  here .

According to the technical guide as illustrated by Trino  here , you need to follow these steps to set up a Trino server.

  • Set your config and property files in the /etc directory.
  • Connect your data sources to your  catalogs  and define them.

To complete this project, please use the conf, properties, and catalog files located in the  trino_etc  folder. All you need to do is paste the contents of this /trino etc folder into an existing /etc folder on your Trino server.

You must specify the data sources to which you wish to link Trino, and that’s why for this tutorial, we will connect to a dataset hosted on Google BigQuery and a PostgreSQL database hosted locally.

The  file needs to be transferred into the etc/catalog folder you have for Trino. To specify the hostname, database, and credentials of your PostgreSQL database ( Trino manual ), you must perform the following:

Note that you need to add the allow-drop-table=true so DBT can delete the table via Trino.

Regarding BigQuery, connect to the DBT public project known as dbt-tutorial. Copy the  file into the etc/catalog folder of your Trino installation, and you need to populate either the  bigquery.credentials-file  or the  bigquery.credentials-key  (Trino doc) variable with the project key for your Google Cloud account.

GitHub  will handle the rest of the configuration and linking. DBT projects that link to Snowflake or BigQuery can connect to many databases.

There you have it, a way to connect DBT to multiple databases. If you are interested in a one-stop shop for your Snowflake data transformation needs, give Datameer a try with a free trial.

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