Customer analytics, driven by big data, can transform the buyer-seller relationship. It’s not simply about gaining deeper insights about customers but using that data to drive more effective personalized marketing, increasing sales productivity, and retaining customers for a higher lifetime value.
For many companies, customer relationships are the new competitive front line. Increased wallet share, better customer experiences, and higher loyalty are all revenue gains for your organization and losses for your competitors.
Customer analytics driven by big data can transform the buyer-seller relationship. It’s not simply about gaining deeper insights about customers but using that data to drive more effective personalized marketing, increasing sales productivity, and retaining customers for a higher lifetime value.
Answer new questions. Deliver more results. Put your insights to work.
Use Case Questions. Potential Barrier Questions.
Show the Results to the Business. Continuously Improve. Repeat.
Optimizing Customer Acquisition. Reducing Customer Churn to Retain Revenue. Increasing the Lifetime Value of Customers.
While traditional descriptive analytics offer high-level answers about what happened, the secret to building more profitable customer relationships lies in harnessing this data to create deeper diagnostic analytics that provides insights into why and how customers took action. This data can be used to define ways to build stronger relationships and impact behavior.
Gaining value from customer analytics requires deep insights driven by two key items: the experience a customer encounters and the behavior customers exhibit in reaction to those experiences.
Datameer’s self-service platform allows your organization to dig deeper into your customers and what makes them tick, with three important benefits:
• Answer new questions — Datameer helps you integrate and use more data, whether structured or unstructured and makes it easy to apply advanced analytics to find undiscovered patterns and trends. Through this, Datameer allows your team to answer the deeper diagnostic questions that lead to highly actionable customer insights.
• Deliver more results — Customer analytics is a deep discipline, covering many different departments and areas of the business. Datameer dramatically increases the productivity of your business analysts so they can deliver results for the many customer analytics use cases.
• Put your insights to work — Insights aren’t valuable to the business unless they reach the business teams that need them regularly. Datameer makes it easy to operationalize your analytics, execute them regularly, deliver results to the business teams and continuously improve the processes.